Thursday, December 4, 2008

Media portrayal of ISI

The ISI has rarely been portrayed on the silver screen and on Television by the Pakistani Media as they are shy to explore such a sensitive institution of Pakistan.However foreign media such as Hollywood and Bollywood are now starting to portray ISI in movies and television programming given the current nature on the fight with global terrorism and Pakistan being the forefront of this fight. Although ISI is frequently portrayed in Bollywood in a negative anti-Indian respect.

Some of the media portrayals of ISI are:

* Ek, a Hindi movie in which the CIA, ISI and R&AW agents work together to stop terrorists from detonating a nuclear weapon in Mumbai.
* Charlie Wilson's War, a Hollywood movie which shows how USA armed and trained the Afghan Mujahideen with the help of Pakistan's ISI.
* A Mighty Heart, a Hollywood movie based on Daniel Pearl's killing by terrorists who were alleged to have connections with ISI.
* Path to Paradise, an American television mini-series which shows how events lead up to the September 11, 2001 attacks and highlights the ISI's assistance in capturing the terrorist Ramzi Yousef.
* Black Friday, a Bollywood movie which cronicles the events the 1993 Mumbai bombings and the ISI's role in instigating and supporting the chain of events.
* A Banker for All Seasons, a book written by Tariq Ali, a British Pakistani, on BCCI and its links with ISI.
* A Case of Exploding Mangoes, a book written by Mohammad Hanif on Gen Zia ul Haq's plane crash and the role of various spooks.

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